Wednesday, December 15, 2010

2 Types.

there are two types people in life, i think. there are savers and there are supporters.

{savers} savers are those people who are always looking out for other's best interests. that means, some times you have to be harsh and you have to be rude, but you're also only doing what is necessary to be honest. when you're asked for advice, you're not going to sugar coat it and make it any better than it sounds. perhaps, you might even tell it worse than it is. it means, when your friends ask you if they should stay with that despicable human being they call a boyfriend, and they're really just looking for your reassurance, you tell them, "no. you're wasting your time and he's making you look bad when you're not at all." savers do not let the ones they love stand idle and waste their lives away. if it means they need to get in your face for you to change, they will. these type of people are only looking out for you.

{supporters} these are the people you always can count on. when you're crying over a mistake you keep repeating, they say things like, "i'll always be'll be ok." supporters are the people who support their friends through thick and thin. if they think the truth my hurt you, they choose to ignore it and maybe even tell a white lie. these type of people will stand by your side when you're only bringing destruction upon yourself. they're the ones that say, "i'll love you no matter what happens." they love you for what you are and would never do anything to hurt you.
i think both types of people are great people. they each have their pros and cons, but that's life.

which one are you?
a saver..or a supporter.



Positive Petersons said...

112% saver. my honesty is a fault sometimes, this was interesting

Unknown said...

i'm going to be honest, me and emily (sue) are the savers in our friends. but the rest are absolute supporters. it makes a good balance within our group of friends, which i think is very important! If you want the truth, you know who to go to. If you just want support or assurance or comfort, you know who to go to. This is a fantastic post. i'm featuring it in my next one.