Saturday, November 14, 2009

Weekend Warrior

As a teenager in high school, weekends are what i live for. now that cross is over, i go to all the football games & cheer on basically every football player out there. although i sit in the totally lame-no school spirited-sophomore section now, i so mehow always almost loose my voice. I've never sat with the sophomores or even out of the bull pen until about 2 weeks ago. im sorry guys, but our sextion is LAME! so lame that i leave before 1st quarter is over to sit in the bull pen. yeah...losers. we gotta change that for next year.
For those of you who have no idea what the bull pen is, its a student section at our high school in the bleachers. basically, its filled with loud teenagers who usually dont sit down during the game. usually. Half of the time they are taking pictures of how silly they look or are eating food from the concession stand. Most of these cheerful students are in red. Our school color. or some just buy blow horns. you know...obnoxious basically.
Yeah well...i actually like sitting in that section. its a million trillion times better where i sit now. hate hate hate the sophomore section. i am a squashmore, i should love it. yet...i hate it. with a passion. why do you come to the games to not cheer for our team? like not cool. be happy while you're there. if you say "Why did i come to this stupid thing?" then you know you shouldnt be there. Obviously you had a choice to come. its not like anyone forced you. so be a good supporter & cheer for our team. not boo them when they mess up. seriously guys...
Usually after the games are over, someone has a house party going on. everyone (no matter what your grade) heads over to these parties. Usually everyone just stands around & talks. Every now & then there is music. but usually just talking.
Once everyone gets bored of the parties, after stopping by all 5 to see which one has the best food, they stop by the local sonic. EVERYONE stops by at least once on the weekend. another thing every teenager does, is say how lame it is to go hang out at Sonic. YET THEY ALL DO IT! its fine. whateva.
Saturdays are usually spent cleaning so your parents let you go out. apparently im not the only one who totally sucks up to my parents on saturdays...After you've done your fair share of cleaning, its a repeat of party hopping & seeing friends. You never really have a set plan of what your night is going to have take place, but it always ends up super fun!
With sonic in your hand, music blaring out the windows, & my girliefriends by my side, my weekend is complete.
im not hard to really. i am easy to make happy. i rarely am bored. my girls & i can sit & talk for hours without doing anything & be perfectly happy.
My life is good. its simple--for the most part. I live for the weekends, because they're the only relief i get.

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