Monday, December 21, 2009


Here's a few little things that's been goin' on recently:
1) got all my christmas shopping done! 100% final. WOOOO! i got a present to my dad from rachel & i. i got my mom the most outrageous present ever. (i think i'm more excited to see her open that, then to open my own christmas presents!) Annnnd i got my secret santa 2 awesome gifts. Seriously--I am obsessed with giving gifts.
2) I really like this boy. I mean....................what?
3) my girl friends rock my world. They make me laugh so hard! We constantly are doing something funny & i just love it.
4) I asked that one boy to sadies! His name is tyler johnson. No, he isn't the one i have a huge crush on, he's basically my best guy friend. there's a picture of us right underneath. I got a 12pack of mountain dew & wrote letters on my name on the bottom of them. I said "Hey Tyler, i would climb MOUNTAINS to DEW the sadies dance with YOU!" he texted me about 10 minutes after i asked saying he is stoked to go with me! I was totally worried because he's a senior & i thought he might be annoyed? but he wasn't! He even called me later & said "you have no idea how fun this is going to be! we're going to have so much fun. everyone will be insanely jealous!" tis true.
5) I just found out i'm spending new years at the Roaches' house again! wooohooo! love the roaches. love their house.
6) another thing i just heard, I'm spending christmas eve with my aunt julie & all of her family. SO STOKED! julie is one of my most favorite aunts ever. literally, awesome is written all over her.
7) last, but not least, CHRISTMAS

My life is better than yours!

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