Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dear Someone That Pesters My Mind,

i'm going to be honest here, i'm not really sure there's anyone that pesters my mind that i'd like to share via blog. i mean, i could definitely think of someone who pesters my mind in a good way and blog about him, but he's getting kind of bored of it ;)
but then i could choose to blog about those few people i just don't seem to understand. let's talk about that for a minute.
have you ever met someone and you're just like, in a nice way of course, what is their deal?! i'm not trying to be mean, at all! there's just a few people out there where i just want to know what goes through their heads. for instance, when people walk out of the bathroom without washing their hands. i just want to know what makes that person feel clean when they walk out of there! you know? like, what on earth could make you think that your hands are clean after leaving a public restroom, at a gas station! seriously..some times, some times i just wish i could read minds.
that's it! that's what i need to look into. i need to find someone or something that can teach me the art of mind reading! or even people-reading. like poker players do, you know? it'd make my life so much easier and understandable. but i guess we can't get everything we want, right?
i've got too many quesitons..sorry.

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