Wednesday, December 1, 2010

10 Reasons Why I love Christmas

1. the lights. oh the lights.
2. the smells. everything smells so much better during the holiday season, seriously.
3. the happy attitude. literally everyone is so happy.
4. teachers seem to be giving me less of a work load. THANK YOU!
5. trees. i love me a good christmas tree. i personally love real trees better than fake, even though they take a lot of time to keep up with.
6. the music. there is so many types of christmas music! what better way to get into the christmas spirit than listen to a good christmas song? speaking of which, this one is
thank you, tanner.
7. the weather. hooray for cooler weather! and extremely cold weather in my park city house. mmm, can't wait!
8. the wardrobe change. i am obsessed with wearing sweaters and tights and all that fun, cute stuff. it makes me feel cute.
9. the treats. our family gets so many yummy things from family and friends around christmas. i just gorge. it's kind of bad, but i just can't resist. white chocolate covered pretzels? come to, mama!
10. giving. i know this may sound so cliche', but i seriously love giving gifts. it makes me feel so good when i get something for someone and they end up falling in love with it. it makes me so happy! and i am not ashamed to take the credit for giving it to them, especially when it becomes their favorite thing ;)

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