Friday, December 23, 2011


so you know my last blog post about life
throwing serious curve balls at me?
well guess what, i'm going to be a girl and show you how bipolar i am, and show you how much that doesn't apply to me anymore.

tonight, downstairs in my basement, at my house in utah, i sat and watched crazy stupid love all by myself. and can i just tell you before i start getting deep about this movie that i absolutely love it! i mean, firstly, ryan gosling is so sexy. like nobody can prove me wrong, because just look at him...i mean...he's stunning. second off, steve carroll makes me laugh so hard. him and ryan's relationship in that movie is absolutely perfect. emma stone? you are straight fire. i can't believe how rockin' you and ryan looked together.

ok, on a serious note...i had no idea that this movie would literally change my whole perspective on life. but it totally did! or maybe i am just being dramatic, because i'm a teenage girl...either way, i have a completely different attitude on certain aspects of my life now!
i've gone through a bad breakup recently. i hate saying that kind of stuff on the internet and i know my mom does too, but that's what's been "rocking my boat" so hard lately. i'm not going to give you any specifics of it, because it will just make me look like a pathetic loser. but after watching that movie, i can say i'm going to be okay. because in that movie, not every relationship worked out. and the people who were left alone were still happy. and they still were absolutely crazy about the people they loved even if they weren't crazy about them back! so you know what, i can be okay. i can be happy. just because i don't have the kid i'm crazy about doesn't mean i can't be happy. and it doesn't mean i have to get over him either. a wise friend once told me, "sometimes the only way you can be in someone's life is by being their friend." and i'm going to do just that. i don't need to date anyone. and i don't need to even have boys be such a high priority in life. i'm in high school, for goodness sakes! i am happy! i'm going to be a good friend. and i'm going to be happy. because that's what i'm supposed to be doing. while i'm this young, i'm supposed to be happy. so...without further ado, i'd like to tell all my readers that once again,
i am one happy girl.

PS: if any of my readers misinterpret this as some kind of wall i'm putting up to prove to everyone i am not some pathetic, mopy, high school teenager, you are wrong. this post was for me! not you. so if you aren't happy about it, i don't care, because i am happy about it!

1 comment:

Leslie Kohler said...

I'm surprised Blogger doesn't have one of those handy 'like' buttons yet but just so you know, Abigail, I like you and this post. Don't let people rain on your parade and thanks for reminding me to be happy too! Luv ur gutz.