If you'd like to read about this past week I had, keep reading. Monday I went to school and just had an average day with studying and cross country. Just a regular day. Then Tuesday came along....probably the most dumb 2nd hour I have ever had! My teacher, Mr. Goodman, got mad that I talked during class and so he made me and Kyle Frost do PUSH-UPS IN CLASS! I was so mad! I couldn't do 25 dang push-ups in class! What was this old cooky man thinking?! Wednesday we had another meet. Both girls and boys won! So happy! The girls dominated hardcore. Thursday was just like Monday, except for lunch. They had Hawiian style food. Ew, one thing is for sure, that was NOT Hawiian.....Friday came along and was just an overall good day. Dallin, McKay, and Colton came over to my house and chilled for about 2 hours. I kicked them out at about 9:30 because I had a huge meet the next morning. But of course, knowing boys, THEY WOULDN'T LEAVE! I just pushed them outside the door and locked it then went to bed. Hopefully they didn't like egg a house or something! Saturday morning. Woke up, raced and dropped a minute in my time! I was so happy! Mountain View got 4th overall as a whole school. We were a little bummed but IT WAS CONELLY! The schools here rank in the
country! They were all mind-blowing good. After the meet, I came home and slept for about an hour, then Brittlyn came over. We got ready then went to Tempe Market Place with my mom, dad, and Rachel. We had sushi. Well, half of us did! I tried it and I thought it was DISGUSTING! Ewww! After eating at Kabuki, we went to buy me some running flats! I found thee sweetest one and was seriously bouncing off the walls excited! Saturday night, Brittlyn and I went to our friend Chloe's party. Now that party was LAAAAME. So we left and went to Paige's/Nate's. Good choice! We made thee funniest videos of man-kind! Came home at 11 and went STRAIGHT TO BED! Exhausted described me 100%. Not the funnest week/weekend ever, but that's ok!
Life is good!X's and O's,

For those of you who have NO IDEA what running flats are, they look like this. Regular running shoes weigh about 16-20oz, and running flats weigh about 2oz. They're so light, they drop about 15 seconds every mile you run. You only wearing these during races and they're only good for about 15-17 races. So, if you did the math, you need a new pair every season. Life as a runner gets exspensive ;) haha. Well, these are my flats and I love them so much. They are the sweetest things ever and I cannot wait to race in them next meet! HERE COMES ABBY CROSS COUNTRY RUNNERS! Yeah!
Nates was way fun! Good choice Alby! Except im pretty sure they got the teams a little mixed up?? haha well your flats are so cool! i love them! now we are even more twins! it just keeps on comin! love ya alby talucker!
ABBBSTUHHH!!! Love the blog!!! You are so SWEET! I'm so excited that you're doing this! And I'm glad you explained what flats are cause I was wondering. You rock sista friend!
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