Sunday, January 18, 2009

Music Resolution

One of my New Years Resolutions was to find music on my own & to not just go with what is popular.
Last night, I hung out with a few really good kids. All in high school & super nice. All LDS! We drove to Sonic & blasted the 'Sons of Provo!' My new current favorite band. The lyrics to their songs are probably the funniest things ever!
Im so glad that there really is a thing as uplifting music. Stuff like these guys brings you closer to the gospel & I totally love it.
Its on my playlist, so totally listen to them! My favorite song is 'Love Me, But Dont Show Me.' There is a small snippet of it on my playlist, but its not the whole song. It wasn't on the website. So if you can, look up the lyrics to some of those songs & you will just die laughing!
love love,

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